Slot: rangeCheck

RangeCheck reference: A RangeCheck defines a constraint on the value of the enclosing item. It represents an expression that evaluates to True when the ItemData value is valid or False when the ItemData value is invalid. The expression is specified using either Comparator and CheckValue or using FormalExpressions.

URI: odm:rangeCheck

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
WhereClauseDef The WhereClauseDef element specifies a condition. yes
ItemDef An ItemDef describes a type of item that can occur within a study. Item prope... yes


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: rangeCheck
description: 'RangeCheck reference: A RangeCheck defines a constraint on the value
  of the enclosing item. It represents an expression that evaluates to True when the
  ItemData value is valid or False when the ItemData value is invalid. The expression
  is specified using either Comparator and CheckValue or using FormalExpressions.'
rank: 1000
alias: rangeCheck
- WhereClauseDef
- ItemDef
range: RangeCheck