Slot: dataType
The DataType attribute specifies how the corresponding value
_ elements are to be interpreted for comparison and storage._
URI: odm:dataType
Applicable Classes
Name | Description | Modifies Slot |
ItemDef | An ItemDef describes a type of item that can occur within a study. Item prope... | yes |
CodeList | Defines a discrete set of permitted values for an item, or provides a referen... | yes |
Parameter | The Parameter element represents a method parameter used as part of a MethodS... | yes |
ReturnValue | The ReturnValue element represents a return value used as part of a MethodSig... | yes |
- Range: string
Identifier and Mapping Information
Schema Source
- from schema:
LinkML Source
name: dataType
description: "The DataType attribute specifies how the corresponding value\n \
\ elements are to be interpreted for comparison and storage."
rank: 1000
alias: dataType
- ItemDef
- CodeList
- Parameter
- ReturnValue
range: string
- range: DataType
- range: CLDataType